Tuesday 20 January 2009

Don't you just hate it when...

You can't get into the book you're reading? I have tried to read The Host, but didn't feel like I wanted to read it so have put it back onto my TBR pile. Then tried Contact by Carl Sagan, I thought it started off OK then I found myself not being able to take any of the story in. I never used to worry about putting a book down, but putting Contact down made me feel so guilty! I know it's a good book, I love the movie. But may be I have to face I don't get on too well when it comes to reading Sci Fi? Saying that, I'm now reading 1984 by George Orwell lol.


Kailana said...

I hate it especially when I have spent a lot of time on a book and still find it boring! I don't mind putting it down after the first few pages, but to be 100 pages in or so and it not work for me sucks!

Maggs said...

I know what you mean, Kailana. I have got 3/4's through a book before and then threw it at the wall as I couldn't take anymore. It's pointless forcing yourself to read a book you're not enjoying and you know if you like it or not by the time you're 100 pages in or so. But for sometimes we just want to give a book that chance to see if it gets better.

Marg said...

Yes, I do hate that! Especially when nothing at all seems to catch the attention!

Aarti said...

I know exactly how you feel! I am supposed to be reading The Domino Boys to review for Amazon, but Marcus Didius Falco is drawing me to HIS story, and I just know that even if I picked up Domino Boys, I'd be longing for the other one. So- I bow inevitably to fate ;-)

I have read 1984, and I enjoyed it, from what I remember. I don't think it took too long to read, either, so hopefully it isn't too big a time investment!

Maggs said...

Marg - That's how I was with the last two books I have tried to read. So annoying!

Aarti - Hehe I know how that feels to be supposed to be reading a certain book, but to have another calling to you.

I am having a break from reading atm, but will get back to reading 1984 real soon. I am really looking forward to it, as I haven't come across one person who has said they didn't like it. Everyone seems to like the book.

Clare said...

Its horrible when that happens and I really hate to drop a book when I start reading but, life's too short to waste time on books I don't want to read :-)

Anonymous said...

Yes that's a real pain. I hope you can find something you enjoy more soon. I am having issues n that I wnt to read everything all at once and I'm finding it hard to stick to two books let alone one!